Canda Diacono
Medical Herbalist BA (Hons), Dip.Herb. Med., MNIMH
I am lucky enough that a love of plants since childhood, a long interest in holistic and complementary medicine, and a desire to help people achieve wellbeing have been brought together in my study and practice of herbal medicine.
I have a diploma (degree equivalent) with distinction in Medical Herbalism following 4 years of study with Heartwood, a course accredited by the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH). I am trained in the traditional use of herbs, modern medical science based on a functional medical approach, diagnostic skills, pharmacology, nutrition, physical examination, and herb/drug interactions.
I am interested in the highest quality herbs and in low medicine miles. and aim to grow and make many of the medicines I supply. Herbal medicines that I buy in are ethically sourced.
I am a member of NIMH, bound by their code of ethics. In 2019, I received the Panacea Health Award for Materia Medica.
Canda Diacono
07754 128634