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Sound Therapy & Vibrational Medicine 
with Harie Graham

BA (Hons) Music PGCE Secondary PL.Dip. ST BAST MCMA, ITSA


Sound, Music, health and wellbeing have been passions of mine for

as long as I can remember. 


As a multi-instrumentalist and qualified Music teacher, I have spent the last 30 something years performing, composing, working in schools and facilitating workshops for all ages in many different musical genres. 


Now fast forward to 2023 and I am fully immersed in the incredible world of therapeutic sound, wellbeing and vibrational medicine.


It has been wonderful to see the effect and power sound has as a universal language.

Not only can Sound Therapy significantly reduce stress and anxiety by quickly inducing a state of relaxation, but it has physiological benefits too;

such as reducing pain, improving sleep and strengthening the immune system.




1:1 Sound Therapy Treatments

These are deeply therapeutic treatments using specific frequencies, harmonics and vibrations that are bespokely and intuitively designed to rejuvenate your whole being on a physical, mental and energetic level.

The soothing sounds effectively reduce tension, muscle pain, stress and anxiety and bring your body back into a harmonious balance where your vital energy can flow.

You can either be immersed in the tones of Himalayan  or crystal bowls. Treatments can also be personalised with   the use of crystal layouts and Sekhem, an ancient energy healing system. 



Golden singing bowls, mallet and monstera leaf on white background, flat lay_edited.jpg

Himalayan Bowl Massage

For this treatment you will be lying face down on the massage couch and the Himalayan singing bowl is placed directly onto your fully clothed body. The bowl is first chimed along your back in order to create varying sounds and vibrations so that vital energy can flow freely, gradually moving to longer, flowing massage strokes and pressure which compliments the vibration in order to achieve a deeper sense of relaxation. It very effectively relieves muscle tension and pain, making you feel as if you have been massaged from the inside out.


Group Soundbaths

Soundbaths are an opportunity to unplug from external stimuli and experience deep rest and relaxation in an affordable and social setting.

Group soundbaths are held at The Ocean Wellness Hub

next door to Essential Therapies every Sunday evening

6-7pm and are priced at £12.50pp.



Your Appointment & Fees

Appointments last 1 hour and are priced at £60


You will feel wonderful results and an immediate affect after just one session, but if possible it is recommended to book a course of four, ideally within a 7-10 day interval. This ensures there are deeper and longer term changes that take place within your cells and body.


Book 3 appointments and get the 4th

appointment for half price.


Please note that therapeutic sound is not advised if you are less than 12 weeks pregnant or have a sound sensitive condition such as Meniere's Disease.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

Nicola Tesla

Contact Harie

Harie Graham

07791 619 393

Follow  @rezenance

Read more about Harie on our practitioner's page here

Read blog posts by Harie here

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